Thursday, November 3, 2011

Post-Halloween (for lack of a better name)

Well I have look at my stats and I saw I had 8 views today and I had over 100 in the past month!!!  So thanks for reading my blog everyone. Please follow me in all my adventures (posts).
So on Halloween, I had a great time. I was a 70s disco dude. I did not go trick or treating (I would of raided someone’s candy!) So I stayed outside and played cello. I also scared the little helmets off of some Viking kids with the fog machine! It was all-around fun. I want to know what you were. Please tell me in comments! ---} There they are!

So I found a video that has the complete cast and crew of Doctor Who dancing and I think the world should see this.

That is amazing! I also love the Irish/Scottish singers! I got the song! It is that good! So if David Tennant reads this I would like to say YOU ARE EPIC!!! So Tiki has been REALLY scary because it was Halloween but now he is saying "gobble" a lot. That means it is almost THANKSGIVING! A whole holiday just for stuffing your face with raided fridge food!!! I love it. Then after that- Christmas! Tis' a great season. Vikings love the cold. So this time of year you will see Vikings out caroling and stuffing their faces. So once again thanks to ALL of my readers. And by the way, watch for Tiki the Stupid. If you tell him you know Stonehelm the Wise, he might spare your refrigerator.